Players who placed in the top three at least once during the calendar month are invited to play in an online free-roll event. If you have qualified, you should have received an email on August 2, informing you that you are invited and providing you with a password to enter the online game.
The online game will be held August 12 at 11:00 am Eastern Time.
Super Important:
If you wish to play in this event, you need to visit the following website and create an account no later than August 5th:
Look for the “register” link, and click on it.
After registering, and logging in, you should see the “Play Now” button:
After clicking that button, you should be in the tournament area. Click the “Tournaments” tab, and select the tournament titled, “Kontenders July Player of the Month.”
Click the “Register” button, supply the password, and you should be all set!
[plm_pom_password yyyy=”2017″ mm=”07″]
Good Luck!!!!