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Poker in Clayton, NC at Saks Neighborhood Deli

Come to Saks Neighborhood Deli for the best free and fun holdem games in Clayton, NC!

Saks Neighborhood Deli
876 Gulley Dr Clayton, North Carolina 27520


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Kontenders Poker
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Recent Winners

Recent Poker Action at Saks Neighborhood Deli!

Phyllis Howard: Quads 09/24/2019
Kevin Eberwein: Quads 09/17/2019
Phyllis Howard: Straight Flush 09/17/2019
Tim Corcoran: Quads 08/20/2019
Starlyn Metts: Quads 08/13/2019
Angel Marriam: Quads 08/06/2019
Sal Biancardi: Quads 07/09/2019
Paul Thompson: Straight Flush 06/11/2019
Kevin Eberwein: Quads 06/11/2019

Additional Prizes or Incentives

Saks Neighborhood Deli is Giving away a Seat into the Las Vegas $200.000 National Championship this Summer. Seat is good for day 1. A Sak's Championship will be held at the end of the season. How do you Qualify? 1. 15 players and below top 2 each night and top Big Spender that night 2. 16 players and above top 3 each night and top 2 big spenders each night Championship will be winner takes all !!!!! This starts this Tuesday Feb 12th folks

Whether you call it tavern poker, bar poker, or pub poker, the truth is that we play for at least $300,000 a year in cash prizes. Feel free to visit the local pub or tavern and join the game, fun and friendly no buy-in Hold'em with Kontenders Poker League!