Today was the first of the new-format online thrice-yearly Player of the Month tournaments. (See here for details.)
The seat and $400 travel cash will help Robert Makar get to Las Vegas next month for the $200,000 Guaranteed Bar Poker Open Main Event.
Makar (pictured, but note: it is not known whether he actually wore that lucky green jacket while he played online today) plays for KOntenders in the Austin, Texas region.
How it Went Down at Final Table
Derek Banks had a great run, busting in third after getting all-in pre-flop with KTh (King, Ten of hearts) against the AJh (Ace, Jack of hearts) of John LaBoy. Derek flopped a ten to take the lead, but a Jack on the turn won the pot for LaBoy, and Banks was out.
That left John LaBoy with 96,000 chips and Robert Makar with 64,000 chips. At 3000/6000 with a 300 ante, that is about 15 bb’s to 10 bb’s so neither player had a lot to work with.
After Makar picked up two small pots without a show-down, stacks were nearly even. The next hand, the chips all went in pre-flop, with Makar’s AJ ahead of LaBoy’s K8. The board of 55Q32 did not help LaBoy, who finished the hand with only one big blind.
The next hand, LaBoy was ahead pre-flop but got out-flopped and then was drawing dead after the turn gave Makar two pair.
It was a great, deep run for John LaBoy who came up just short at the end.
Makar, the big winner on the day, was in or near the chip lead almost the whole way. He had to fight back from a short stack at final table, but ran good at the end.
Congratulations, Robert!
Final Table Players and Finishing Places
1. Robert Makar
2. John LaBoy
3. Derek Banks
4. Fritz Barnes
5. Kurt Osterman
6. G Dull
7. Bruce Klein
8. Art Korth
9. Meghan Jones
10. Shawn McMiller